"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;"
- Psalm 95:6

Senior Pr. Geoff Winter, Manifest Love Church
Join us in the School of the Holy Spirit as we all grow in the unity of faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, and come to maturity and into the fullness and likeness of Christ.
Join us as we "go into the whole world" preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, calling men and women everywhere to repent of sin and dead works and receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Join us and learn how to manifest the power of the Kingdom of God, casting out demons, healing the sick and making disciples of all nations.
For surely He has said, "these things shall we do and even greater works shall we do because He has gone to the Father."
John 14:12
Manifest Love Church
Sunday Church Services
10:00 AM - Morning Service with Children's & Youth Programs Starting at 10.30 AM
Contact us for training courses that we run most Sunday afternoons. Positioned for Blessing, Parenting Teens & Children, Pre-Marriage & Marriage, plus more.
7:00 PM - Evening Service
Weekday Meetings
9.00 AM - Daily Morning Prayer & Worship
6.00 PM - Alpha Dinners/Course - contact us for more information on [email protected]
Homegroups Night - contact us for more information and the locations
10.00 AM - Healing Wells Meeting
7.00 PM - Midweek Healing & Revival Service
6.30 PM - Worship Team Practice - Closed Rehearsals
12.30 PM - Alpha Pre-Marriage & Marriage Courses (contact the office for the next start dates for each course)
Monthly MLC Events
8.30 AM - 1st Saturday of the Month - Men's Breakfast
7.00 PM - Last Saturday of the Month - Ladies Coffee & Dessert Evening
National Ministry Events Hosted at MLC
10.00 AM - 1st Tuesday of the Month - Aglow Ministry Meeting
6.30 PM - 3rd Tuesday of the Month - Full Gospel Dinner
Grow in Christ with MLC
Children's Ministry
We run a children's ministry during our services in two sections; primary school kids are part of our 'Kool Kingdom Kids' program and our 2-4years olds are in our 'Little Fishes Creche'.
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry is for intermediate and high school age youth during the Sunday morning service from 10.30am until 12.00pm.
Worship Ministry
Praise and worship are a cornerstone of MLC. Worship opens up the heavens, and as a Church we are passionate about seeking His presence and setting people free to express their love for God with exuberant praise, prayer and declaration!
Men's Ministry
Building men of Character, Faith, Hope and Love To walk out their walk of faith as great men of God, husbands, father's and role models to their communities. Includes monthly prayer and testimony breakfast and men' fellowship and support.
Women's Ministry
These events are a time for the ladies to share together, get to know each other and support each other with their journeys of faith.
Prison Ministry
Our prison outreach team aim to help prisoners face their fears and have the courage to change their lives.
Healing Ministry
We partner with both the SOZO ministry and The Healing Rooms to offer deep ministry for healing and restoration on people's lives.
Connect Groups
Connect groups are a time for a smaller groups of church community members to get together for a time of relationship building, sharing, and learning the word of God.
Kitchen Ministry
The lunches, dinners, suppers and more produced from the heart of the MLC kitchen are an act of love to create an environment of sharing, caring and just spending time together.
"Place where you find real manifestation of god's love and power of his Holy Spirit.!.! Great experience from last two years🙏🏻 Feeling super blessed to be a part of this beautiful chruch and chruch family..!.!. Fully recommend to everyone in the world to come and join this chruch and be a part of god's mission to save the world through the power of his love and Holy Spirit.!
"Place where healing, deliverance and salvation take place in the name of Jesus Christ almighty." Humble invitation with love and blessings."
"A church that is passionate about walking with God, sharing testimonies, experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, and loving one another."
GavinAnna Shailer
"Great fellowship and healing and beautiful people."
Sarah-Lee Clarke