Senior Pr. Geoff Winter, Manifest Love Church
My Story
I grew up in a Christian family, so I was surrounded by God and the church from the very beginning. I was raised in a Christian home, but just followed through the motions of doing "Christian things" that I thought you were supposed to do. I didn't know Him, I just knew about Him.
I found myself searching for purpose and meaning in people and also in myself. Whether that was my friends or in relationships, I poured my whole heart into them. I also became very fixated on myself and my image. I became very consumed with what people thought of me and was living for the acceptance of the world.
At my lowest point when I was alone and afraid, God drew me to Himself. From growing up in a Christian home, I knew what to do. I knew that He could save me if I just let Him. I confessed that I am a sinner and that I was trying to find life in other people and myself. I acknowledged that He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that I can be saved from my sin and have eternal life. I committed to living for God instead of others.
Since knowing Him, God showed me that being a "Christian" isn't about just doing good works. He made it clear that I do not have to earn my salvation or His love (Eph. 2:8-9). He has given me fulfillment and purpose and joy. I am not perfect and I still mess up, but God loves me despite my flaws and imperfections. And when the things I was pursuing before continually let me down, God has never once left me. He has shown Himself to me in His Word, the Bible, in Eph. 13:10. God loved me even at my lowest point and He rescued me from myself and eternal separation from Him.
Our challenge to you is,
After spending the last 25 years walking with God and learning the ways of God, I now travel the nation teaching people how to connect with God's power to heal and to be delivered.
We challenge you to come and receive prayer for your healing! You will learn how to be connected to God and how to access faith in His miraculous provision. You will learn the hindrances and roadblocks to healing and how to remove them so that the healing can flow. You will learn how you can be filled with God's presence and experience his power in you daily life.

- Was a successful dairy farmer, shearing and fencing contractor till marriage imploded and was deemed irreparable. Consequent burn out followed.
- Saved in spring of 1989 form suicidal bouts of depression in the midst of a ship wrecked marriage.
- Wife Alison got saved in 1990 , 9 months later. It was a supernatural transformation of our lives.
- Began fellow-shipping at AOG Church in Tokoroa.
- God called me supernaturally into the music ministry as Music director and I began writing songs.
- Became an Elder. in the AOG Church and was raised up through leadership and groomed as a pastor.
- Began every morning prayer meetings at 6:30 a.m at the Church which I ran for many years. This was a turning point in my life and was the real place of commissioning in the anointing.
- Functioned faithfully in every area of ministry, preaching, teaching,counseling and prayer ministry and began doing itinerant preaching.
- God led us to leave the farm through a number of supernatural events to go into full time ministry and we moved out to Te Aroha. After 18 months of wilderness experience God brought people in off the road who got healed and saved and Pastor Phil Mellar of the Mountain View Apostolic Church suggested I plant a Church. Before long I had a Church on the Marae and then a building in town. The church grew quickly with a real move of the Holy Spirit and signs following.
- Was ordained by Pastor Bob and Laura McGeorge under the Abundant life Churches as a Pastor. Ran every morning prayer meetings. Amazing testimonies of lives saved, healed and delivered. Found my self and family over run with the harvest.
- Did overseas ministry in Uganda.
- Began prison ministry at Waikeria Prison which continued for ten years, powerful times and amazing miracles.
- Went to Canada to spend a year in the School of the Supernatural to learn about Crusade Evangelism.
- Moved to Hamilton, God supernaturally provided a beautiful home. After a period of fasting we saw our new neighbours saved.
- 8 years of Evangelism as a Sky Technician.
- Became President of Full Gospel Business Hamilton and toured NZ sharing testimony.
- God prompted me to plant Manifest Love Church in Hamilton & confirmed it with miracles.
- Manifest Love Church started at Melville Intermediate June 2015, then we moved to Age Concern Building soon after.
- May 2019 we rented an empty warehouse in Ellis Street, Frankton which God then began to show us His supernatural vision & provision to fit out the space & grow the church.

Manifest Love Church
Manifest Love Church and the Ministries involved around it are the product of what God has been building in me and teaching me for the last 27 years. From the very beginning God has Manifest His Love in me and through me and allowed me to partner with Him in seeing countless lives come to Christ and be eternally changed by the power of His Holy Spirit.
What I've come to see in the vast majority of Christians, is that they live far below their God given rights and privileges as "sons and daughters of God. "The price that Jesus paid for us with His blood, and the substitutionary death on the cross of Calvary, was to make it possible for us to have access to all the blessings of heaven NOW! The significance of what that means and how to walk it out in the world around us is our life mission with the added bonus of eternal life. Praise God what a glorious work of deliverance Jesus has won for us through the Cross of Calvary!
My life mission, and the mission of this church and ministries, is to teach and to bring as many people as possible into the knowledge of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and into their inheritance as "sons and daughters of God."
The bible says that this will be done by a progressive revelation of Jesus as The Word of God and the indwelling transforming power of the Holy Spirit working on that word transforming our minds and our behaviors.
My whole experience with God has always been with Him confirming His Word in me and through me with signs following!
We believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and that His gift of salvation includes, healing body, soul and spirit with deliverance, provision, protection and power to live Holy lives that honor God!
If You're looking to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be equipped to fulfill your God given destiny then this Church is for you!